Monday 17 September 2012

A kite runner

Can a story touch your soul, make you think and shed tears for more than a week? A Kite runner can. Khaled Hosseini has made us live a painful story with an unforgettable flashback. The both the sides of the coin is explained with an ease. Not every author can portray the protoganist as a selfish person except Khaled.

The story is about two boys and their families. The impact what caste, culture, habits, personality and thoughts can create in the lives of individuals is beautifully portrayed in this novel. The protagonist knows what he did was wrong but the immense guts needed in that particuar situation decides the person's true character and to bring out that guts a push is needed and THAT is the key with which the story ends. The story flow is such a way that the pain and emotions are not felt till we finish reading but later it keeps pricking our heart and brain and make us keep thinking and then the emotions keep flooding and the impact lasts for a long time. It makes you wonder sometimes if anyone can really trust and love their friend/ their master this much? 

'A kite runner' - cannot be any better - Definitely a must read.

Score: 4.7/5

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