Tuesday 28 August 2012

Love is a verb

Is it possible to explain love in words? sometimes yes it is with real life anecdotes. That is what 'Love is a verb' tells us. 40 stories which makes us feel what we always longed for in a relationship is what everyone else in this world wants too. And it tells us that 'you are not alone in that' and it tells us that love is not what you think or feel. Love is not in just words in what you tell but love when you show. Love is a verb.

Some incidents/words which I loved and questions that touched my heart :

"It is not about who other people are or how they treat us or what they do to make us value them. It begins with you, and not primarily about what you say or feel. Instead, love is an action word; it's a choice you have to make. Love is a verb!"

Anecdote: The potato fiasco
 - explains the power of those seemingly simple words - 'I'm sorry'. The magic it could do when it is said from the heart and the path it paves to listen to each other's feelings.

Anecdote: Drinking milk with the spoon
 - A beautiful answer to 'Why should one stay married to another for years even when it hurts?'

Anecdote: opposites attract  then what?
 - "Everything that irritates us about the other can lead to better understanding of ourselves"

Anecdote: Between the baby and the basketball 
- Love is all about stability, responsibility and sacrifice. "Love's lessons are never over, nor are we ever done making sacrifices. We do so in small, day-to-day moments for the rest of out lives. No sacrifice - no love - simple."

Anecdote: Who's winning the war -
 "I fell deliriously in love with the cutest, funniest guy I'd ever met" -( well that is what every girl feels :p
 " Multiple sclerosis may have won the battle, but love won the war"

Anecdote: Lost and found 4 sisters -
"I no longer sit outside other people's lives and feel alone" - what everyone wants to happen someday
"Real love is something that is never lost, only sometimes hidden. It merely takes something or someone to help you uncover it" 
"Somethings in life are worth the search - include love, even when it's hiding"

Anecdote: My knight knows -
" He was my knight in shining armor. All he lacked was a horse" - How come every girl feels the same way as this about her guy? (just wondering)
"I believe love can heal in many ways medical science cannot"
"We really do need each other and love often means coming to the rescue when a person we care for needs us"

Anecdote: The heartbeat of springfield -
"She had served out of love, but had her husband ever reciprocated?" - A question that always needed an answer but never got one.

Anecdote: The girl who pierced my heart -
"Please, someone love me even if choose to look different. Those who look like they care the least about what others think are often the ones who actually care the most what others think of them." 

Anecdote: A wounded heart set free -
"I couldn't enter a covenant relationship with him until I recovered more from the pain of my first relationship"
"But my mouth kept going on into autopilot, spewing harmful words at the man I most cherished"
"I didn't want to be mad. I simply didn't know what else to do"
And the answer to these was - "Love looks beyond the painful past of the person we love, and into a hopeful future."

Anecdote: Just call me babe -
"I found that romance doesn't have to be a dozen of roses and a dinner by candlelight at a posh restaurant. Romance doesn't have to be expensive. Romance isn't something that takes mountains of efforts, it just takes caring, a little creativity and yes a good Google search"

Anecdote: The good with the bad -
" The real, bona fide relationships are successful as two people struggle to overcome differences for the good of each other."
"When a relationship is built on false pretenses or exaggerated expectations, and trouble arrives, the relationship has no foundation to stand on. Then the troubled relationship becomes a house built on sand, and when the strong forces come, the house goes down."
"Relationships that survive are the sum of love, trust, values, faithfulness and commitment, but the glue that hold it all together is the ability to quickly forgive each other."

Anecdote: Trial and error -
"That is how you make me fee better. You can just be there for me. I don't need you to fix my problems. Sometimes I do. But sometimes I need you to listen. You have to take time to hear me out and that is all I need from you. That is love to me"

Anecdote: Silver boxed kindness -
" Words are powerful and compliments are strong. Complimentary words are not only precious but valuable"

Anecdote: The day my husband prayed I'd die -
"I looked forward to his kisses in the public, to hold his hands and walk in the neighborhood. I knew he loved me, but I was afraid to love him, and most of all I was afraid to show him that I loved him. In some warped way I was afraid that I showed him too much love, he would not work as hard to show me that he loved me. I needed to know he loved me because I never thought anyone could and anyone has till date"

Anecdote: The battle of the dishwasher -
"Wholehearted relationships are not possible unless each person is committed to choosing love first"
"What I considered as small things actually required sacrifice on her part - and she chose to make that sacrifice out of love for me"
"It is us and not me"

Anecdote: say goodbye to your mistress -
" Can I love someone who seems to have such an emotional wall built between us? Will he ever openly express how he feels? Can I function in a relationship with someone so different from me? Will I have enough patience for long work hours and frequent separation?"
"A man of little words is a complex challenge for any woman who wears her heart on her sleeve. And you know what? It's okay. I Know he loves me"

Anecdote: The 50/50 proposition -
"Marriage is not a 50/50 deal. It takes 100 percent commitment from both partners"

Anecdote: The price is worth it -
"He was like a sandpaper in my life. In order to love unconditionally, a person must refuse to hate or seek revenge"

The novel is a good, mature read not just for lovers but to those who love love. And love IS a verb :)

Score: 3/5

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