Wednesday 15 August 2012

A next door fairy tale (part 5)

11th grade was usually considered as a relaxation period in student's life. It was to prepare oneself to face the next upcoming tragedy (12th board exam). And for me 8th grade was the last year in any student's life when marks never matter. From 9th the life's race starts. I was having lot of fun in school sitting in the last bench, sleeping when the lecture was going on, sharing snacks at the teacher's back and eating, mimicking, showing off my gymnastics skill in front of guys. It was fun. I started participating in dance programs within the school and also in inter - school competitions. As I was flexible enough, I managed to perform decently well with my dance moves. Karthik got a new bike and though he was my neighbor, I hardly saw him. He was no more my shuttle partner nor my partner in crime. I had my other two friends (Shiva and Shivani - they were twins ) for all that. 

Once I introduced my friends to Karthik but he never botherd to say a 'Hi' to them and from then on I never bothere him about my stories or friends or anything else. I used to sit all evening after school near the shuttle court and talk to Shiva. He was an excellent shuttle player and he was my class mate, van mate too. Sometimes Karthik would come back home around 9.00 PM, look at us talking, star at us and walk away.

My half-yearly exams were done and we were enjoying our vaccasion. We used to get up at 6 in the morining play cricket till 10.00AM. Take a break. then start playing indoor games till 4.30PM then few running games till 7.00PM then start playing shuttle till our parents call us for dinner. After that we would start playing cards from 10 till 11.30. Similar to any other day we were following the same routine and I was playing cards sitting in the terrace with 6 other people. We never noticed the time and it was 12.30 at night. Suddenly Karthik came upstairs, 2 of my friends had jus left and so I was the only girl in there when he came. He shouted "You know what the time is now?" And before I could reply him, I got one tight slap across my face and he dragged me back home. I was so angry on him. I shouted at him very badly that day.

Me: Who are you to hit me? I'll do whatever I want, who are you to question me?
He: Just shut up. Don't act like a matured lady. Behave according to your age.
Me: I asked permission. Mom and dad know that am playing. What is your problem?
He: You never understand anything at all do you? You are the only girl sitting over there. Don't you realize it?
Me: So what? How does it matter?
He: Don't irritate me. Just go and sleep.
Me: I won't. I want to know why you did so. You never bothered about me all these years. You were so proud of yourself and suddenly now that I have more friends than you and you cant stand it right?
He: WTF?? So this is what you were thinking about me all the time? wow
Me: What else you expect me to think? Can you even deny it? Noways. Beacuse that is the truth, that is the fact.
He: Just go sleep... please ... I don't wanna talk to you now. And it is already late.
He just went inside his house. I went behind him, pushed him and ran to his room and sat on his bed and started shouting again.

Me: Am not going anywhere till you accept everything and ask sorry to me. You have made me cry for a very long time. I won't take it even a minute longer. 
Me: I WON'T.

And I was sitting there for a long time. And he was sitting near me facing the opposite direction. My dad came and called me home. I shouted that I can't. Uncle said leave them alone and took dad away. Then nobody disturbed us. After another say one hour, Karthik touched my hand. 

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