Wednesday 15 August 2012

A next door fairy tale (part 6)

I pushed his hand off mine. He then never spoke or reacted. Another 10 minutes or so went by. I was too stubborn and angry to turn and look at him. I was wondering why he never started talking when I pushed his hand away. I was just thinking. Then he said :

He: Jessie.
Me: Hmmm
He: Look at me... please
Me: What?
He: don't be mad at me. Don't start shouting. Listen to me carefully. If you can't understand then ask me once I finish. Then I'll explain you.
Me: Are you gonna tell me some story?
He: yeah. Our story. Just be patient
He: I love you. The first time I said you, I meant it. You were young ad I knew you wouldn't have understood what it meant. But I was happy when you said me back. I didn't realize that you were a kid till the day you were about to shift from Madurai. When you were very excited about the new place, new school and new friends, when you never understood my pain and concern that we'll never meet again, I was angry on you. I felt cheated and that is why I never spoke with you initially. But later as days went by I understood that you were just a kid. I would have done the same thing if I was in your age. I realized it very late and by that time you became close with Shiva. He was always by your side. I felt possessive. Sometimes I felt like strangling him. But then you were classmates and were just kids. You wouldn't even understand what runs in my mind and thus I kept quiet. But now you are not a kid. And guys of your age or my age don't look at you as a kid. You have no idea what guys are capable of thinking. Shiva likes you a lot and so does those guys who were there upstairs playing with you. You have no idea what they comment about girls on their back and you are no exception to it. You don't even understand most of their words or comments, you don't even know how they look at you. I don't want my girl to be looked or commented so. I wanted them to know that you belong to me and that they have to face me to get near you. That is why I reacted so. Sorry to hurt you both physically and emotionally. I didn;t mean to. Will you forgive me?
Me: *After 2 minutes of silence* How dare they speak ill of me on my back. Let me show them who I'm. I'll kill them all tomorrow.
He: Jessie... Jessie please. Think... don't react. Am there to do all those rough and tough things. For once TRY a little to act, react and be like a girl. For my sake... Please. Just do this for me.
Me: Ok.
He: It is almost 3.00 AM go home and get some sleep. Don't go for cricket today.
Me: Ok. But I'm not going home now. I'll be with you here. Make me sleep. I'm sorry da :(

Then I fell fast asleep lying on his lap.

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