Wednesday 15 August 2012

A next door fairy tale (Part 4)

My exams were over and so was his and dad got transfered to Chennai. I had to leave everyone and everything behind. I got used to me school a lot by then and I didn't want to leave it. I loved my colony, my friends and most of all if I had to leave to Chennai I could never see Karthik again in my life. I was upset but I was excited about going to Chennai. All my friends said me wierd stories about Chennai. "Never ask for a lift in Chennai, they may kidnap you", "Don't go anywhere alone, suddenly someone will come and inject you with HIV positive blood", "Everyone is selfish there, don't talk with anyone" and the advice went on and on. I made up my mind that I'll never make any friend or never stay outside the house except for the school. I said all that to Karthik. He didn't take it well. He was angry on me. He never spoke with me for a week. I didn't understand. I kept going around him all the time and kept talking , talking and talking but he never listened to me. And exactly 2 days before we left Madurai, Karthik came to my house and said my dad "leave her with me uncle, I'll take care of her". My dad smiled and said him that I was too young to stay away from the house and study. Then he he went away. After an hour or so, his mom and dad came home laughing along with him. They said Karthik also wants to come along with us. Uncle said he may stay in the hostel and study if not in our place. The discussion went on. First they thought that he was kidding but later when they realized that he was very serious, uncle said he'll try to get transferred to Chennai too. He said the opportunities were more in Chennai and maybe Karthik would get better education is a better school and also good exposure. As he was going to 10th grade, dad and uncle felt it is very crucial time in his education and accepted to his wishes for his own benefits.

So a month after we got settled in Chennai, Karthik came as my neighbor once again. Though we both joined in the same school, we hardly met each other and things weren't normal between us. After that shifting issue, no matter how much ever I tried, he never spoke to me as before. And whenever I asked him, he simply replied that am imagining things and it was not so. Days flew by and his 10th board exams were over. Believe it or not he got 1045/1100 and the whole family (mine and his) were jumping and flaunting to every known (and sometimes unknown) soul possible. I was soooo happy but a little sad too. He came to my house, looked at me for a second and then looked at my parents and said the result. When I congratulated him, he gave a formal smile and said 'thanks' and turned away to talk to my parents. I felt invisible. I felt lonely. I had no one except him and he knew it. But he moved away from me every day and every second and I never understood why.

I had 2 other friends in my colony who were of my age. I didn't have any other friend other than them in my school or anywhere else. I said those two about Karthik's score, his actions and reactions. They used to tell me that he was in 10th so he had to study, he was stressed, tensed, busy etc. But when I said them the results incident, they said me "Maybe you don't study well as much as he does so he is not talking to you". I thought maybe that is the reason. I felt inferior. And I started moving away from him, though I never wanted to. And I missed him a lot.

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