Sunday 19 August 2012

A next door fairy tale (part 13)

Part 1 || Part 2 || Part3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7 || Part 8 || Part 9 || Part 10 || Part 11 || Part 12 || Part 14

When I walked back to the car, my mobile beeped. The text read "I'll b bak b4 u realize it. tc" It was a sweet shock. 
Me: Hey u kno my mobil no?
He: I kno everythin abt u
Me: then y din u text me all these days
He: I wantd u 2 realiz our love
Me: I did it very late :(
He: nothin is ever late
Me: I made u wait 4 so long rt? Am sry.. I was too childish. 
He: u still r n tatz wat i luv in u :) plz don change
Me: u kno tat I cant ;)
He: I evn knew tat u wer cumin 4 me tis tym wen u came 2 mumbai
Me: then y wer u all formal for past 3 weeks??
He: Coz I wantd u 2 make the move n wantd 2 hear 4m u.
Me: bt i cudnt
He: y?
Me: I felt shy :(
He: WHAT??? :o YOUUU?? SHY??? OMG. 
Me: y? y shudnt i?
He: nah.. it sounds unbelievabl ;)
Me: FINE :@
*after 10 minutes*
He: hey u ther?
He: reply
He: luvya <3
Me: :) same 2 u :p
Me: * blushing*
He: I shud hav guessd. I wastd 3 weeks. i wanna c u blushing nw :)
Me: devil. bye tc
He: lol bye :)

And years flew by, thanks to Skype and FB, I never felt I was away from him (except for times when I lost my favorite earring and I shouted at him for not being near me to find it or some occasional moments like that.) Chatting all night and missing the 1st hour in the morning - being regularly irregular to college, serious rules and advices before exams, sharing sweet songs and everyday happenings - life was good. The only worst times were the birthdays when I longed for him to be near me very badly but it was impossible. There was one time when I begged him to come and see me (for almost 2 months) on my birthday, he tried to convince me saying he would but he didn't because he never realized how serious my words were. There were fights (a lottttt of them) and there was fun and we had moments which made everything else silly and life as such as the more beautiful and worth living one. When I went to my final year, he resigned his job and joined MBA in there itself. And the time we spent with each other reduced even more than before. He was busy all the time. One and half years the story was the same till I joined a MNC and started working. Life twisted and turned, he was there for me somewhere but I could never feel his presence. I missed him a lot and dreamt of him coming back every single day but it never happened. Sometimes my parents used to talk about him (which was rare then) and I used to start living in my dreamland where only he and me existed yet again. People hardly noticed (never knew or believed) that I belonged to someone. Nobody asked and I never said too. His studies were done and had applied for visa extension so he couldn't come back even then. He was searching for a job there. He was talking about settling there itself and I hated it. There was always some reason for him to not come back. It had been almost 4 years and my emotions had a big swing from longing for him to anger and fight to pain and tears and then accepting the situation and finally an emptiness of accepting the fact that nothing was in my hands and nothing can be done. One day he said that he got his visa extension and got a new job too. But then he said he can't take leave as soon as he had joined. I thought it was over between us though I could't accept it. I left it to God hoping things would get better soon. My parents started searching a guy for me. That was the last fight we had and he said "we'll talk about it later" when I told him that. I was completely down and upset. Life went on so and one day I got a call from a unknown mobile number.

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