Thursday 16 August 2012

A next door fairy tale (part 11)

Part 1 || Part 2 || Part3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7 || Part 8 || Part 9 || Part 10 || Part 12

On the way to the airport I was in the car along with some of Karthik's friends (girls). I kept looking at each one and subconsciously calculating if that was his girl friends. I finally selected the most cute and charming looking girl (Anita) who was sitting next to me. I hated her immediately. She started talking to me but I had no mood for it. I gave her just one word replied. After 2 or 3 questions she asked me what my name was and I said her. The second I said her my name, every single girl in the car (4 were there apart from me) looked at me. The atmosphere was extremely silent for few minutes then there was a burst of talks. I couldn't make out anything from what they were talking. 

Me: Girls please. I can't understand what you people are talking about.
Anita: So YOU ARE Jessie
Me: yeah.. why?
Girl 1 : We thought such a girl never existed.
Girl 2 : We thought that fool was making up stories and lying to us.
Chorus: Yeah exactly. 
Me: Excuse me. Does anyone over here speak in English?
Anita: So you are 'THE' princess girl?
Me: now what does that mean?
Girl 3: That is your secret pet name right?
*More laughter*
Me: oh please I don't get anything
Girl 1: oh yeah. Look at her. She doesn't get anything it seems. You want us to believe that? Karthik has said us everything about you.
Anita: Yeah. At one point I loathed you. Itis always Jessie, Jessie, Jessie for him. We people never mattered to him.
Girl 2: Oh come on Ani stop that. You loved Karthik but he hardly looked at you. Now don't feel jealous. How would any guy look at any other girl if he has such an amazing girl friend?
Girl 3: True. You are a great cook Jess. And you DO look like a princess as Karthik always says.
Anita: Am sorry. You ARE very sweet. My mom said me how helpful you were today in the kitchen for the other ladies.
Chorus: Talk something
Me: I love him.
Chorus: Awwwwwwwwww choo chweetttt...
Me: I miss him.
Girl 2: yeah baby we get it. Its ok. You'll be fine.
Me: I want to see him NOW.

And at the same second, we reached the airport.

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