Sunday 26 August 2012

348 of 620 (Part 2)

That very second I saw few of my hostel mates in the mess. I was shocked to see them in the college that early but then I didn't ask about it.  I just started talking with them and went along with them for a smoke. I checked my mobile now and then and there was no msg from her. I went outside the college near the tea shop and my friends offered me a cigarette. I denied it saying I had throat pain. They smiled they knew that she hated that smell and would kill me if she knew that I smoked and came before I met her. Though she never said me not to smoke I knew she didn't like me (or anyone in this world) smoking. My mobile beeped yet again.
Hater: lib
The second I saw that, I pulled my friends to the library. We entered the library only to see her sitting at the corner and discussing on some case along with her group mates. Her eyes caught me and she waved her hand towards me with a face lit hey. It is true that I fell for her a million times. I was stunned for a second and didn't know what to do. I just smiled and came out of the library. I pulled my friend (who was standing outside) along with me inside the library and went and sat next to her. 

We had to present a case that day and she along with her team was discussing on that. She asked me if I had completed the ppt. She never knew that I had dropped that subject from my electives list as I never said her. She was in deep pain and trouble and was crossing a hard phase in her life then. Me dropping an elective was such a silly news and thus I never felt it would be appropriate to talk about that with her when she was talking about her other issues. And I also knew that she was not in a position to listen to lame conversations.

One of her group mates was my best friend and I totally forgot that even that girl was there near us. My best friend, lets call her bestie was a very talkative person and she had that capability to go on and on about nothing for hours. But at that point even she understood the situation and kept quiet. She knew that when I was with Hater I would forget the world and she quickly got used to it.

I stayed there in the library along with them reading the newspaper for next half an hour and occasionally I listened to their conversation. The clock stuck 11.25 then. 

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