Monday 27 August 2012

Can love happen twice?

Yes it did for Ravin after 'I too had a love story'. The first love teaches a lesson that no human, book or other's experiences or words can - it's to adjust, sacrifice, accept and move forward as a much bolder person. And it did that for Ravin too. So when he saw the girl of his dreams for the second time; he, with all his left over glued up together broken heart went for that girl which indeed meant there was no turning back in his life.

The initial half, which occurred to be a sweet romantic story turned out to be a bitter one and the pain, the knife stabbing one's heart - the love did its dirty job once again to him ending him up in an asylum. A simple misunderstanding which sounded extremely silly to an onlooker was explained as a reason for it all. 

The entire novel is the narration of the 3 friends in a radio station to the world - but in reality is it even possible? Well don't search for an answer, just enjoy the smart narration and plot. 

A novel which a feminist would hate to read if not for those 3 lines said in the start and end by one of Ravin's friend, which justified the completely male oriented (POV) book. 

'Can love happen twice?' - Yes but for those stong ones who come out of it alive which is indeed a miracle. 
'Can love happen twice?' - Not everone's pick but its few people's life.

Score: 3.3/5

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