Monday 13 August 2012

A next door fairy tale (part 1)

"It is usually every child's dad who lifts the baby first but in my case it was Karthik. He was 3 years old when I was born. He was the most charming and over enthusiastic kid in the street. He was every house's kid and he was there in the hospital the day I was born. Karthik was very famous in every house, shop and even in that hospital where I was born for his naughtiness and cute little pranks. So when the nurse brought me all wrapped in the towel to hand me over to my dad, Karthik with his cutest expression extended his little arms and begged her to hand me over to him. Mesmerized by his cuteness and with my dad's nod, the nurse gave me to him. And when he saw me eye-to-eye, I was crying with my eyes still closed. He kissed me - our first kiss.

My mom asked him, "Will you take care of her?" and he promised "She is mine, I'll take care of her all my life and will never leave her side". Everyone around us laughed. It was a cute little joke for everyone over there. But not for Karthik and me. 

Years flew by and I grew up with him always at my side. He was the one who used to feed me most of the time or sit near me and keep repeating "mingu (swallow)" every time I simply sit with the food in my mouth. He was the only one who was allowed to touch my scooter (That is how I call my cycle as) and he is the only one who is allowed to touch my "hit me" doll. The world knew us as 'inseparables'  and as years went by, our story was repeated in every single house in the neighborhood. We grew up as an example of love to those kids our age during that time. 

When I was 3, I was sent to a nearby school. I hated it. I was a fighter and a very hard to deal with kid. I still am the same :p I cried and made a big fuss, danced all around pulled mud over people and every other stunt you could think of to bunk the school. But my parent were too strict and much too cunning to buy it. But after 2 years of my non-stop protests, my parents thought I needed someone to keep an eye on me all the time and also a much stricter atmosphere to set me right. I was sent to a different world, a well known school. And that was where Karthik studied.

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