Monday 27 August 2012

Chasing Harry Winston

Life is perfect the way it goes - that is what we all think and though we hate many parts of it, we just mourn or cry it away but never do anything really serious or drastic to change it all or find the real solution to the issues. And that is how Emmy, Leigh and Adriana were if not for that one night when the pact was made.

Emmy - A girl who believed in long sustaining relationship and had one steady boy friend all her life and was in the dreams of marrying him untill one fine day she finds out that he was cheating on her - in fact left her for a gym trainer who she herself had gifted him to maintain his looks.

Leigh - A girl who had a lovable boy friend, great friends, good job, beautiful house and the happiest life to anyone who looked from outside. Them pair who was called as 'made for each other', 'lucky to have one another' etc but the truth was way different from that. And Leigh was that girl who denied accepting the truth and kept believing what the world said her believing that some day, just someday her guy would change and her life would be better.

Adriana - The Brazilian chick who never feels bad to use her special god's gift (her body) to seduce people and have a great happy life. A girl who never had a steady job or boy friend but was happy that way because that was her. A fashion freak, a shopaholic. But then she was to touch 30 and she very well knew that she can never carry on with her life as she always had been.

So it was on that one night when they make a pact to change the real them completely, search for the light in their life and live it the way it should be lived. Could never believe Emmy, who always searched for a perfect husband material or Adriana who always searched for a perfect one night material tied with some good opportunities to interchange their roles and to be successful in it too. 

A beautiful girly novel to be read to just spend some leisure time. Could relate with every girl at some occasion or the other. It is a novel which makes Emmy to find her soul, Adriana to find a character and Leigh to find a new career and yes the three girls found their life.

Score: 3.3/5

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