Thursday 14 January 2016

Every year - same time

“Happy New Year”

“Any plans for New Year?”

“How did your New Year celebrations go?”

And then all those beautiful, creative, exciting, mundane forwards, statuses, images, quotes and messages.

For some it is time spent with family, for few others it is time spent with friends.

We grow up from sharing chocolates, going to temple, wishing parents to party with friends then sitting in a far away land reminscing the past memories and the cycle takes us back to chocolates temple & wishing kids/parents.

Oh yes and this is the time the ‘New Year resolutions’ are discussed. Most feel that resolutions are never met but there are a handful who really work to make it happen – my last year resolutions included (though I never mention them as resolutions and tell me that I took a resolution 5 years back that I will never take a resolution and always follow it)

1. Work in a land where I have not lived all my life but not too far away from home so that there are people whom I call family close by

2. Buy/Read around 80 books

3.Stop thinking about those to whom I meant nothin

4. Smile – nobody is worth my tears

5. Move away – people who matter will stay

I have got 4 out of the 5 right. (Didn’t complete the target of 80 books :( ) and I hope to be ALMOST successful if not completely this year as well.

1. Work in a far away land which has a totally different culture

2. Go on a trip to an unknown place – visit take pics have fun

3. Bending too much also breaks – speak out - trust & love myself - enough is enough

4. Read read & read – get the target of 80 met this year

5. Care and love everyone to whom I mean a lot

I wish you all a very happy new year. I am sure mine is going to be a roller coaster ride filled with adventures (which is exactly how I want it to be every year). Hope you all also get your wishes granted this year. And yeah wish me luck :) :p

1 comment:

  1. naveen rajendran9 February 2016 at 11:05

    all t very best & good luck to yo :) happiee new year
