Sunday 5 September 2021

The getting back rant

I suddenly realised last night that i used to write and also have a blog to pour in my thoughts. 

It was random and sudden, I still have no idea how or why I remembered it but I did. I just browsed for the blog (I still remembered the name I gave it which is so unlike me given the fact that I suck in remembering names) and showed it to the person next to me. 

I kept thinking why? - Maybe it was the beach air or maybe it was her; someone whom I genuinely like and care for in the recent times, a personification of my little sister with the same attitude and same temperament or maybe I just felt good and remembered?!

That was when she asked me “why don’t you write anymore” and it stuck me hard. Maybe this  IS the reason why I liked her in the first place. Her hard, ‘knock on your head’ factual questions which makes me think. 

So why didn’t I? I can simply say ‘life happened’ but doesn’t it for all? And shouldn’t that be all the more the reason to pen down, to free up? So why didn’t I do it?

5 years it has been since I wrote something here. And today, though I know there will be no one following me or reading this, I thought maybe I still have it in me to do it - This is the first post for those millions of thoughts/travelogues/poems which I wrote in my mind but never on a paper all these years. This is a tiny little compensation to the manuscript I wrote on paper but never got to type, edit, seek or publish. This is just to pen down how much I have changed in my thoughts and my outlook of life these 5 years.

My life is life just like my unfinished manuscript. I have left behind so many unfinished quits in my life, beautiful pieces of dreams and intentions never fully assembled. And as I kept thinking and asking ‘why?’ my husband is asking me “what are you writing? I never knew you can write. Don’t you have to think about it before you write? And my daughter is crying “Amma give me your hands”. And finally the answer came to me ;) 

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